In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mark D Lew

>Just more evidence that the difference between the various types of 
>work is a continuum and you can always find a gray area at the margin.  

Lord Kelvin wrote (something like), "Science starts when measurement
starts".  Language is the universal tool of the human race, so we keep
trying to make it more precise, but there are applications where it
remains fuzzy.  One of these is our use of categories with no clear
boundaries, where precision is impossible or can only be achieved by
measurement.  The same problem afflicts the "classical", "pop", etc.
argument, over which we still agonise, despite the good advice (please
remind me who said it), "There are only two kinds of music: good and
bad."  Even these look like categories, but we should regard them as the
extremities of a spectrum.

Ken Moore
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