
I had it working some years ago, some Finale versions and maybe Windows versions earlier. Each time Coda brings out a new version of Finale, I hope that they would have it fixed... I really think it is more than unprofessional to promise and include such a function when it does not work!

I'd like to be able again to select the graphics tool, select the music I want to export and import it to any other programs. I have bought PS printers for more than ten years to be able just to do that.

I don't like Sibelius that much. But I must say it's easy there. Select the bars you want to export as EPS, and that's it... And it WORKS...

I've been a Finale user for about 15 years now... Please make it happen again. I don't really want to switch to Sibelius...

I got a great many new functions that I don't need and don't use. Why not, Coda, why not?

Finale is great -
EPS is not working -
not professional


At 17:23 16.11.2004, you wrote:
Aaron Sherber écrit:
If I understand you correctly, what you should keep in mind is that Acrobat Distiller looks like a printer driver to the system, and you need to take the same precautions as if you were printing to a physical printer. This means that you have to make sure that your printer paper size is set the same as your Finale page size.

This is precisely the reason why I want to avoid printing to Distiller and want to export the EPS files directly from Finale (since Finale offers this feature). I don't want to use paper, not even virtual paper, because all my Finale files are of a different size. I want EPS files the same size as my Finale files, and not the same size as the paper in my printer. I have 300 files and I don't want to change the paper size of my Distiller printer for each file.

I'm amazed that such an important feature has been broken for so long and that no one seems to mind.


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