I have been trying to search MailMan2 dB but I am getting too many hits
on this subject.  Please forgive me if this subject was covered before.

My long time gripe:
Finale offers 3 ways of creating parts, but none of which is convenient
as dead MOTU Mosaic was.  Finale encourages to create separate extracted
part files for best results, but it does not offer dynamic file link for
future editing.  My first question is that if there is a feature I am
missing here.

Basically I have been doing parts with Special Parts Extraction, but this
is also hardly convenient since you have to re-space every single part,
or compromised spacing with groups of parts, yet you can't save the
changes.  If you group similar parts then save separately, it also
prohibits future editing.  I do not wish to play same arrangement for
live shows, and that's why I bought computer based notation system back
in 1987.

How are you dealing with this?
Thanks in advance.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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