[EMAIL PROTECTED] / 04.11.23 / 1:28PM wrote:

>Cmd+Option+V is Paste.

Yes, I understand that.  I was trying to follow this instruction:

>For example, if I have just done Flute 1, I then save 
>that part as Flute 2, clear out the notes etc (using the clear key) 
>leaving the template blank with the layout preserved, change the 
>instrument name at the top of the page, and then paste the 2nd flute 
>from the score to the part.

For this, I don't think you want to use Insert.

My problem was layout weren't preserved, and if I disable AutoUpdate then
spacing gets screwed where the new part has more accidentals.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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