Peter Taylor wrote:

My 2003 works fine in this respect too, so it seems likely that Human Playback
in 2004 is the culprit.  It is probably sending commands to MIDI controllers to
achieve its effects, which is wiping out any data you try to send.  If this is
true then you have a straight choice between using HP or sending commands to the
controllers manually - I can't see any way round it.

HP is basically wiping out all user MIDI data using the default configuration. If you select the MIDI Tool while HP is ON for a file you should get a warning message about this (unless you have checked "Don't show this again").

HP in Fin2005 is a bit more flexible regarding MIDI controllers, since you can filter out some MIDI handling in the HP Prefs. And there's also ApplyHP.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson
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