Sibelius has this; a "bungee cord" that shows up in grey attaching the item to its parent. The problem with Sibelius' implementation of this feature is that when you move an item far enough away from its parent, the bungee cord switches parents to the next closest item. At least, it would be a problem for ME. Some might consider this to be a useful feature.


On Jan 1, 2005, at 11:09 AM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

At 07:51 AM 1/1/05 -0800, Brad Beyenhof wrote:
What you you mean by "rubber-bands"?
If you're having diffifulty figuring out which tool you used to create
a particular item, the Selection Tool works wonders.

To find out what item some other item is attached to and change the
ownership if necessary. That articulation -- what note does it belong to?
Where do the slur ends attach (or not)? Is that fermata over the barline
hooked to...? That expression -- whose is it (which would fix lots of
incorrect smart shape assignment errors in dense scores)? The symbol that's
off the page -- where did it originate? The graphics element that's not
attached to a page (the trouble if it's an 'inline' graphic vs. a
final-layout graphic)? After a while, especially with scores that have lots
of graphical presentation, text items, or (apparently) floating
expressions, it becomes very difficult to find the parent of a given symbol.

A nice option to turn on rubber bands would be great -- a light line in
color of choice showing the parent item when a given tool is selected.

This goes to the whole issue of ownership in Finale -- missing visual layer
options (send backward/to back, bring forward/to front), affixing groups
together (symbols that do not change position with respect to each other
and the parent), identifying musical lines (vs. layers or parts or voices)
that would give a true part orientation that Finale lacks (an option to
'show line' would be dandy, so that everything but that line and its
assigned 'stuff' fades to gray (but stays visible)), etc.


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