Additional John williams credits include an LP recorded by a Shelly Manne group in the late 50's/early 60's, called something like Manne plays Gershwin - all arrangements by Johnny Williams. They were certainly real jazz arrangements and all very good. I count myself among his fans.


On Jan 3, 2005, at 1:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Jan 2, 2005, at 4:47 PM, dhbailey wrote:

Andrew Stiller wrote:

On Jan 1, 2005, at 9:59 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:
Thank you for this detail. This restores my faith in his creativity, work ethic, and honesty, and furthermore jives with what I had previously heard about JW's work.

Um... that's "jibes."

Yeah, it's hard to think of John Williams and jivin' in the same thought. :-)

Ooh, to the contrary! JW was the leader and chief arranger for a big band before he became the Mr. Lush Film Orchestra Guy we all admire.

I have to second that one!!! I just love the score to Catch Me if You Can! And, I'm thinkin' that the notorious bar scene cue in Star Wars has got to be an Alien jive of sorts!

I was also just watching Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban. There is a wonderful source cue coming out of a gramophone at near the end of the film...:-)

One more thing about John Williams. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend the 20th anniversary premiere of E.T. They showed the film on the screen while underneath the screen on stage was a full orchestra with Mr. Williams conducting. He conducted the entire E.T. score to picture live_with_a_full_orchestra...!! And as far as I could tell, the performance was flawless.

Whether one likes his music or my opinion, he is an amazing talent worthy of respect and that can't be denied (personally, I think he is just wonderful.) I was just glad that day that I wore my waterproof mascara...I was so taken aback by what I was experiencing. I'll never forget it.


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