Darcy James Argue / 05.1.12 / 01:54 AM wrote:

>If worst comes to worst, I figure I can buy the memory stick from OWC 
>for under $200, take it to the Apple Store or TekServe, and have them 
>install it there -- I don't know how much that will set me back, but 
>the total cost will surely be less than $425.

I don't think it can be worse than iBook HD replacement.  I can replace
TiBook internal HD in 5 minutes, while it takes me 4 hours on iBook,
starting with lifting the outer shell with credit card!  Un-taping one
layer after another.  Ack!

Tho, I'd buy memory module from datamem.com, where I have business last 6
years, where send you replacement overnight at their cost with no
question asked when you call.  OWC is a great place until you need their
after sales help.  Once they forgot to pack one item that I paid for.  It
took a month and tons of unreturned calls till I got the item.  They even
tried to charge me shipping for that!

I was thinking of the similar thing, that is, getting Mac mini for a
dedicated Impulse Response Reverb Unit via Wormhole.  I am so close to
pre-order it myself but my policy still stand, 'no buying first
generation', which I did brake when iPod came out.  Their design are so

My main concern is, tho, how does it handles that hot G4 processor chip
without any fan.  The entire body must be a heat sink.  I am so glad now
I can wait for your report first, Darcy :-)


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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