Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hoo-boy. I hear that. My "$599 computer" actually came to $695 (with AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth), and that's including (Lindsay's) educational discount (which turned out to be a measly $33) -- plus tax ($59.94). I could maybe have saved the tax by going to a third-party online retailer, but then I wouldn't have gotten the edu discount (big f-ing deal, as it turns out), I might have had to pay for shipping, I don't know if I could have gotten the wireless options pre-installed, and -- the kicker -- I would have had to wait *much* longer, since the Apple stores get everything first. (There's already a 4 week waiting list, even at the Apple stores, although you could probably get one at a physical Apple store if you lined up early on Jan. 22.)

I'd get the memory from DMS (http://www.datamem.com/). Last I checked, they were about $180

Also, there's the DVI splitter cable from Pacific Cable (which I'm still not sure will work), which is $57.36, including shipping.

Splitter for? What? To try to get it to run two monitors? I don't think it will. There is a hack out on the internet that lets powerbook/iBook to run two monitors. And it works for the iMac G5. But I don't think it will work with the Mac mini simply because there are not two separate outputs on the Mac mini.

So now, with the memory from Crucial (who also charge tax in NY state -- sigh), that's $246.58 (memory) plus $57.36 (cable) plus $754.94 (computer) = $1058.88. So much for my $599 Mac!

Again, get the memory from Datamem. You'll save like $70.

Good thing I already own a wireless keyboard and mouse, plus two LCD monitors.

I complain in jest, mostly. It's still a remarkably good deal. [Or at least, it still *looks* like a good deal to me. I may change my mind if the computer fails to run Finale 2005 + GPO decently, even with the 1.42 GHz G4 and the 1 GB of RAM I'm throwing in... ]


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