At 06:26 PM 1/11/2005, David W. Fenton wrote:
>On 11 Jan 2005 at 6:42, Phil Daley wrote:
>> At 1/10/2005 09:28 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
>>  >If you're *not* receiving all your spam and evaluating for false
>>  >positives on a regular basis, then you're losing some percentage of
>>  >legitimate messages.
>> This is obviously your personal opinion since, as a blanket statement,
>> it is false.
>It is not provably true that you *are* receiving all of them unless
>you're reviewing all of your messages.
>Is knowing you are losing some for a fact really any worse than not
>knowing for certain whether you are or are not?

I check them all every day on the web.

It takes about 2 minutes to go through the spams looking for valid From addresses.

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