My solution for urgent-deadline score requests in these circumstances is to make individual files span full pages, removing unnecessary titles etc., and print to PDF and assemble the whole thing in Acrobat. Often this will also be practical for parts as well.

On a similar quick-fudge vein, if I needed to merge the final page of one movement with the first of another (ie when the break cannot fall at a page ending), I'd export whole-page Tiffs, assemble them in an image program, then print a PDF.

Obviously none of this helps if they're actually wanting a Finale file - but I never like providing them anyway.

Darcy James Argue wrote:
Hi Michael,

Don't even attempt this without Robert Patterson's Mass Copy.

If you use Mass Copy and just do the parts (not the score), this shouldn't be too terribly onerous if it's only three movements and you haven't already done the parts. Extract the parts as usual, then use Mass Copy to merge them. (Warning: if you are on an OS X Mac, Mass Copy takes a *loooonng* time to do its thing. Be prepared to wait.)

The score is another matter entirely -- I would tell your client that this is simply not possible. Certainly not by Friday! Also, it's IMO a complete waste of time. However, if once you've completed the parts, the client thinks it's worth it to pay you to do practically all of your work over again just so he can have a single file for the score, well, huzzah -- so long as you're getting paid by the hour.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 15 Jan 2005, at 06:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a question that has nagged me for some time, and is about to become my current nightmare. I have a multi-movement work in three files, and the composer who I am working for has asked whether or not these can be put into one file. I balked, especially thinking about all the hand adjusting that had been done to staves and such to make each score look right. Does anyone have advice on how to do this without ruining hours of tinkering? I offered to at least merge the extracted parts (as much as could be done with a shifting percussion instrumentation); can anyone give me a basic checklist as I go about this process so as to not get burned when printing out? Did I mention, my deadline for parts (the score was finalized today) is next Friday??

Michael Wittenburg
Chattanooga Symphony and Opera_______________________________________________
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