On 24 Jan 2005, at 7:39 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

Has Darcy reported low memory as a part of his problems?

That's hard to say. I had 768 MB of RAM in my old Mac, but I also routinely run Mail and Safari and iKey and DragThing and RealPlayer and iTunes along with Finale, and I often have 20+ windows open in Finale, and a whole bunch of tabs open in Safari. So yes, I expect memory was tight pretty much every time I encountered this bug.

And if low memory is the *cause*, it, of necessity, must be present
every time the bug hits.

I don't know if low memory/stressed system resources is the *cause* of the File Overwrite bug, but I think it's safe to say that memory is probably tight pretty much every time I use Finale. Also that, in my experience, the File Overwrite bug tends to strike only after several hours of using Finale.

The other thing is that my old machine was a total FrankenMac -- it was originally a 266 MHz Beige G3 which I bought back in 1998, before the introduction of the first iMac. But almost nothing in it now is stock. I replaced the processor (three times -- most recently with a 1 GHz G4 from Sonnet), the memory (768 MB RAM), the hard drive (30 GB Maxtor) optical drive (Toshiba DVD-ROM), video card (Radeon 7000), added a PCI FireWire/USB card, Bluetooth module, Wet11 WiFi Ethernet bridge, M-Audio FireWire Audiophile MIDI/Audio breakout box, etc etc etc. Unlike stock Macs, this mishmash of third-party components was not designed to work seamlessly together, and I'm fairly certain that at least some of the stability problems I've been having with Fin2004-2005 (crashing, etc -- probably *not* the file overwrite bug, though... ) has to do with my absurdly nonstandard setup.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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