Perhaps it would not be beyond the pale (sp?) to give credit on a score to the engraver, as well as composer, arr., etc. After all, it is artistry, no?

On Jan 25, 2005, at 7:12 AM, Michael L. Meyer wrote:

Hey y’all --

Sorry for the OT post, but I figured it was a happy one so no one would mind.  I was at rehearsal last night, and got curious.  Did anybody on this list engrave the Vaughan Williams’ Dona Nobis Pacem choral score for Oxford University Press?  I’m only curious because I wanted to say thanks and congrats ... it is one of the best-looking, easiest-to-read, neatest choral scores I’ve ever seen.  Which is especially lovely to see considering the difficulty of the actual music.

 Unless it was a Sibelius person ... I don’t subscribe to that list.

 -- Mike  _______________________________________________
Finale mailing list

I know what public school music has done for me. I have witnessed the journey it has provided my daughter and hundreds of other students I have been fortunate enough to teach. I am both amazed and outraged that there are those who would knowingly disenfranchise generations of humans by excising the practice and inculcation of an entire heritage from our children’s curricula.

Dean M. Estabrook

Retired Church Musician
Composer, Arranger
Amateur Golfer

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