On Jan 25, 2005, at 12:02 PM, Michael L. Meyer wrote:

Not that I ever got into the music OR education business for the
glory, but it sure would be nice if engraving credit were given with
regularity/consistency.  I lucked out that the few professional
engraving jobs I've worked happened to have a wide distribution -- if
my name were in the credits I'm sure it could have helped my business,
instead of my having gone back to a day job ... ah, well.  I do like
my day job.

The flip side would be that if the hacks who produce some of the atrocious pop music scores I see had to put their names on it, they might be shamed into doing a better job.

On the other hand, I don't know if that's really fair, since I'm sure to some extent it's the publisher's decision not to pay for quality work. Still, engravers with professional pride would refuse to let their name go on such shoddy product, in which case maybe it becomes a sign of quality for a publisher to be able to hire engravers who are willing to sign their work.


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