Don Hart wrote:
Maybe this has been suggested before, but if it has I've missed it.

I would love to be able to apply note expressions to a group of notes by
drag selecting, just like we can articulations.  It seems like such a
natural I actually tried it once to see if the feature was implemented and I
had just missed it.  I realize we have measure expressions and staff lists,
but for a lot of things, especially now that automatic note positioning is
available, this would be quicker and more convenient.

I agree, particularly when I've had hundreds of 'sfz's to deal with (yeah, it was that kind of piece :p ) However, I feel that the whole implementation of expressions needs a complete overhaul, far more than the tinkering with definitions seen in recent versions. The caveat is that it's well down on my list of 'things that need sorting out', due to other things currently being in almost-unusable states (nonstandard key signatures, anyone?)
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