At 10:31 AM 2/3/05 -0800, Brad Beyenhof wrote:
>But in any case, Opus 25 was much more than "emancipation of the
>dissonance" for Schoenberg. It was completely atonal, with the goal of
>completely eradicating emphasis of any one pitch and avoiding
>commonly-percieved structures that lend themselves to heirarchical
>organizations of importance. "Emancipation of the dissonance" was, if
>I remember correctly, the stage he went through in between his
>neo-Romantic emulation of Strauss and Wagner and his serialist phase.

Thanks very much for that clarification. I knew Op. 25 was a kind of
manifesto because of its 'purity', but had not carried any of the
'emancipation of dissonance' history with me because Op. 25 was still so
Viennese and romantic in feel. (I bet the lay listener wouldn't even hear
it as one of those Big Bad Ugly pieces anymore!)

Thanks again,

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