And any gender issue would only be a tendency, not a rule. Women are not a homogenous group any more than men are.

Well put Christopher!! Bravo!!

I do believe that there are gender tendencies in most things in I guess that those tendencies could also be reflected in music. But I have a female acquaintance that is a very aggressive bass player...and a male friend that can write the most gentle melodies that bring people to tears. So I guess what Christopher said really hits the nail on the head for me. I am most comfortable taking each person and looking at their own "makeup" as an individual independent of race, nationality, gender etc...

Having said that, I also do find the studies and writings about this subject to be very interesting...:-)

For me and my own music...I can only say that I have written all kinds of music...depending on where I am personally at the time. I have been told I'm a somewhat aggressive player. I am a mediocre cook (I don't like to cook much) but I love to bake. I've always been good at math and science and I love to go fishing. I got an A in auto mechanics in High School. I like to crochet and I cry very easily. I prefer "chick flicks" to action movies (generally speaking of course!!.) But I don't throw like a girl :-)

-Karen _______________________________________________ Finale mailing list

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