I remain puzzled why some Finale users chose to jump so quickly to OSX. MacFin05 under OSX remains absurdly slower and clunkier than Fin03 under OS9 was (on the same box). I am now almost sorry I switched, except that my OS9 installation was just too long in the tooth to keep running on. Apple did the Mac world a huge disservice in jumping too quickly, though, and Coda/MakeMusic/Etc did a mediocre job on their OSX port. (Apparently Apple wasn't hurt by the callous disregard of their customers. It's too soon to say about the Company Formerly Known as Coda.)

That said, I am now committed. The problem is that often when I launch a document from a Finder window, the document window appears behind the Finder window. This happens particularly when opening a second document. What's worse, if there are plugin windows open, you can't bring the doc window to the front. Gack!

Has anyone else seen this behavior and/or got a solution?

Robert Patterson


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