From: "d. collins"
My biggest fear is that MakeMusic might consider implementing them, at the
expense of fixing long-broken features.

my hope is that this fear is a non-issue, because MM is already dealing with issues such as EPS in PC and fixing the tuplet tool (again, but properly). of course such hopes require an ignorance of history...

i'm proposing that the Text tool be overhauled in a _complete_ manner, so that they won't even have to touch it for years, and this is why i am really not interested in a partial solution, or in prioritizing specific issues in my proposal. if they attacked problems or insufficiencies with the kind of completeness i am proposing (with the help of comments received here on the list), we wouldn't have to fight amongst ourselves so often about what is a priority for fixing - and let's face it, that is the crux of most of the discussions here, not of new implementations for the programme, but of fixes that are needed (and usually long-overdue) to malfunctioning or insufficient behaviour of the programme.

i have simply decided to no longer accept half-ass fixes from MM, and am therefore lobbying aggressively for what i see to be major priorities, and encourage others to do the same for their own concerns. otherwise, it's new background themes and pretty new buttons and colours for F2006, automated jingle-writing for F2007, and "email or fax your score" capability for F2008, and each upgrade at $100 USD a pop times n users...

if something is broken, can it really be considered a feature?



shirling & neueweise \................/ new music notation specialists
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