Although I can see that it may be useful to some, it wouldn't be useful to me, so I am not interested (but I don't object).

However, something I'd much rather see is automatic vertical staff spacing. ;-)


David W. Fenton wrote:
On 3 Mar 2005 at 11:40, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

I am not against an automatic function with manual override, although
I don't think I'd need or use it (because undoubtedly it will again
slow down Finale, as most of these automatic update routines do).

What if there were an option to set it to only update on Ctrl-U?

Keep in mind that it certainly wouldn't take anything like the processing power that automatic music spacing takes up, as there are not nearly as many objects to be calculated (you only need to check if the frames in a system are empty/holding only non-visible music). Also, automatic music spacing was such an annoyance because it caused the music to jump around while you were entering it. That simply couldn't happen, even if you were entering in page view, precisely because a frame that has been optimized out can't have data entered into it (it's not visible). And how many people do any major entry in page view, anyway (other than editing)?

I don't see it as a practical problem, even if it weren't settable to be part of the Ctrl-U update (which I'd probably prefer, myself).


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