John Howell wrote:
Once again, terminology can be a trap. Corelli's church sonatas--at least some of the published ones, I believe--specify violone OR organ, if memory serves. I believe he distinguished carefully between 8' and 16' instruments, but I also believe that he would have worked with whichever 16' instrument was available at the time. Corelli was the third major 17th century composer (although probably not the only one) to specifiy the 16' instruments, after Monteverdi and Schuetz. To apply the term to cello would be so unusual as to be highly questionable, in my humble opinion. And it's easy to forget that he wrote for immediate use with players he knew and worked with every day, not for abstract publication.

Not that I really want to take sides on this one, but there has been a long debate on what Violone meant for the Corelli sonatas, and as far as I know the outcome was pretty clearly cello. But some might disagree...


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