Chuck Israels / 05.3.28 / 02:22 PM wrote:

>What advantages are there to using a "FireWire audio breakout box?  Am 
>I missing anything besides the problems Hiro mentioned.

I still haven't gotten your original respond to my post and I just read
the one Darcy responded to you.

I understand you are using built-in, which buffer is hard-coded to 512. 
If you employ external audio interface, you will gain control of larger
buffer that will help your cpu hit problem.

Larger buffer increases latency.  If you set buffer larger than 256, you
won't be comfortable playing GPO in real-time, but if you are just
playing back Finale sequence, buffer at 2048 will give you much more cpu
headroom so you can instantiate more instruments.

GPO is a RAM based.  More the RAM, better the performance.

One other thing.  If you open Energy Save on your G5, you want to have it
set to "High" instead of "Automatic" for better DAW performance.

Just for your info, I use two units of Metric Halo MIO 2882+DSPs and ULN-
Their detailed image is superb and clean.  I just did 28 track live
recording for Omar Sosa and Mino Cinelu with these boxes onto TiBook800 :-)


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
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