on 4/17/05 10:24 PM, Christopher Smith at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> On Apr 17, 2005, at 6:04 PM, Don Hart wrote:
>> Christopher, I haven't noticed the copying problems you're talking
>> about,
>> but maybe I'm not trying to move around exactly the same combination of
>> things you are.
>> I did notice yesterday that my "Top of score, all parts" staff list
>> had been
>> duplicated a number of times on a chart I just finished.  Each
>> iteration of
>> the list had a sequential number added to its name.
> Aha! Now, go to that score, and drag one of the rehearsal marks away an
> inch or so. Is there a duplicate underneath it? I'll bet there is one
> for each sequential number added to your staff lists. If it doesn't
> happen for one rehearsal mark, try another. This effect makes them hard
> to edit the positioning, as I'm sure you can imagine.

I'm not getting this behavior, that I can find, but one thing I did just now
notice is that at least 2 expressions (tempo markings) that were assigned to
the staff list in question did not make it to the new file.  I did an insert
so that everything would make it as in previous versions.

>> On that job I was
>> adding full orchestra to a string arrangement I had done a while back,
>> and
>> had just dumped the existing strings into the new score.  I just
>> checked,
>> and the original (strings only) file *did not* have the duplicated
>> staff
>> lists.  I don't know exactly when the additional staff lists were
>> added.
> I'll bet I know when. Let's say you have a rehearsal mark starting
> measure 8, violin 1 in the score (set to show on all parts when
> extracted, as you said.) Try this in a copy of your old score, that has
> no duplicate staff lists.
> Go to measure 8, and with the mass mover drag violin 1, measure 8 down
> to violin 2 to copy it. Does violin 2 suddenly have a rehearsal mark
> that it didn't before? And when you check the staff lists, do you have
> one called "Rehearsal Marks 2?"
> But here is the insidious one. Drag measure 8 viola to the cello staff
> (neither one had, or should have now, a rehearsal mark showing.) Now
> try dragging the Violin 1 measure 8 rehearsal mark a short distance. Is
> it duplicated? And do you have yet ANOTHER staff list called Rehearsal
> Marks 3?

I couldn't recreate this either.  We probably should compare notes on our
pertinent settings.  I use "select partial measures" and am using 2005a for
the mac.  I can't think of what else might be pertinent (it's late).
Wouldn't it be nice in situations like this to be able to print out (or just
look at) a list of selected options in your own copy of Finale?  We can't,
can we?

> Now the weird part is, I use a combination of copy-and-paste and
> drag-and-drop. I understood in previous versions of Finale how these
> two methods differed in function, and took advantage of it to copy what
> I wanted only. Now, I can't figure out when I set Mass Edit to only
> copy certain items whether that applies to copy-and-paste or
> drag-and-drop, or both, or neither in the case of staff expressions?
> Maybe I just forgot and reverted to my old behaviour, but I can't
> figure it out.
> Christopher

I think that might be similar to how I use partial and complete measures,
and insert, but I'm not really sure.  I'd love to hear more about the
differences between copy-and-paste and drag-and-drop.

Don Hart

>> on 4/17/05 3:59 PM, Christopher Smith at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> wrote:
>>> P.S., on a related note, I am having a very devil of a time with a
>>> score I am working on. I seem to get my rehearsal letters and tempo
>>> markings (staff expressions) copying all over the frigging place
>>> because of the new Copy behaviour, and I can't seem to figure out how
>>> to stop it. I go into the Staff Lists dialogue box from time to time
>>> to
>>> delete the duplicate staff lists that keep replicating like Tribbles,
>>> which takes care of much of it. I have the Mass Edit set to copy only
>>> measure-attached Smart Shapes and the usual array of Entry items, but
>>> I
>>> can't seem to work out the rhyme or reason to why these settings
>>> aren't
>>> taking care of business the way they should.
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