On May 2, 2005, at 9:09 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

What are the "don't"s with the File overwrite bug (2k5b, Mac). I don't often work with several files open at once, and have avoided it when the bug was made known, but now I want to edit some parts and could save some time if they were open at the same time, is this risky?


It has only occurred with me when working on a score file created in a previous version. Not everyone shares this, though.

It has also only occurred with me when I open another file by double-clicking while working on all the part files, for example let's say I just realised that I made a mistake in the horn part I already formatted and printed while a trombone part is open, so I reopen the horn part, correct the mistake, save, print, and close. The trombone part is likely to be the one corrupted in this case, though a few times it has been my score.

Text block edits seem to trigger it, though I can't figure out how.

Sometimes Finale bugs out after a overwrite (keys stop working, etc.), and I have to quit and restart Finale. This makes some think that it might be related to Finale being already in a delicate condition, perhaps related to temp files. I also leave my computer on a lot (in sleep mode, of course), with Finale running, and used to seldom reboot. This may also contribute to it.

For sure, if the window title doesn't match the contents of the window, the bug has occurred. Save under a different file name immediately, and you may have saved yourself. I have managed this a few times. Apparently, according to Darcy, if you have backups enabled the backup is not corrupted. One of the Davids (Fenton?) mentioned that he had seen mismatched window title and contents a few times, but a redraw or switching from page to scroll view and back corrected it. This was on Windows, while Darcy and I are Mac. Did I remember Brad B. having this, too, on Mac?

Recently I have changed my part-extraction method to avoid text-block edits (I insert a "comment" for the instrument name on Page I and the Page 2+ text block before extracting parts, then I edit the "Comment" field in File Info for each extracted part to be the instrument name so it automatically appears in both places.) I have also gotten into the habit of rebooting my Mac once a week, whether I need to or not (same as bathing, except that I only do every six months, whether I need to or not!) As a result, I haven't seen the bug for quite a few months now. Plus, people tend to leave me alone more (that might be related to the bathing thing.)


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