Hi Darcy,

I had already looked at the system profiler and determined that I have an nVidia card - too bad! (I know, it's hard to tell from some of my posts what level of Mac savvy I have because there are a few things about which I know a little, and others about which I know only enough to get myself into trouble!) I am aware that the Radeon 9200 supports Versavision, and I agree, it's not that expensive, if you need the rotation feature.

Cheers to you too, Darcy

All the best,


On May 21, 2005, at 9:45 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hi Chuck,

Looking into this further, it seems there's a fair bit of confusion about the issue at the moment. So far as I can tell, the leading theory is that screen rotation is only supported on ATI video cards, not (yet) on nVidia cards -- which is possibly why Apple hasn't promoted this new Tiger feature at all.

You can use Apple System Profiler to determine which model of video card you have -- just launch ASP and click on the PCI/AGP Cards tab.

At any rate, the retail ATI Radeon 9200 Mac Edition supports screen rotation through ATI's Versavision software even if the OS doesn't support it, and it's not *that* expensive ($125 or so).

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 22 May 2005, at 12:03 AM, Chuck Israels wrote:

Hi Darcy,

So say you, and others, but there's no place I can find (I am on 10.4) where I can access that.

What am I missing? I have been directed to Syatem prefs - displays by others (John Bell, if I remember correctly) but there's nothing there to indicate a possibility of rotation. Someone else suggested that some older cards do not support this. Who is wrong? I'd be delighted to get the rotation without spending more money.



On May 21, 2005, at 8:14 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:


Screen rotation is supported at the OS level for 10.4. You should be able to use screen rotation with your existing video card once you upgrade to 10.4.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 21 May 2005, at 7:12 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

Hmm, one MORE reason to upgrade (along with rotating screens! Yummy!)

Beware, Chris. This feature depends on having a graphics card which allows this, and my early G5 1.8 seems unable to access this feature. I will only really need this the next time I work on an orchestral score (my monitor has a 13" vertical dimension that's already OK for most of my work), and I'll just buy the necessary (and expensive) card then. Too bad. I am disappointed.


Chuck Israels
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