Chuck Israels / 2005/06/12 / 09:32 PM wrote:

>Worked w/Finale & GPO all day - no Formac TV, and a few minutes ago  
>(about 6:30 PM), GPO choked up again.  The Activity Monitor was  
>showing that it was back to using 70% + of the CPU.

Next time, in Activity Monitor, highlight GPO which is showing the high
proc use, Hit Opt+Cmd+S.  It will start sampling the thread.  If it
seems to be frozen, don't worry, just go to dinner.  It might finish in
a second, or it might take 30 min.  Save it as text then email me off list.

I can't promise anything since proc sample is hard to read for a flute
player, but I might see something interesting.

There is another way. 


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
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