At 12:14 AM 6/23/2005, you wrote:
Could be a Yamaha DX7 for all I know. Vintage Electric Piano does not equal Fender Rhodes. It could be a RMI Electra-Piano, a Wurlitzer, I could go on.......

As long as we're "picking nits" ;-) I would never classify a DX7 as an "Electric Piano," it's a synth. All the Vintage EP sounds I hear on various units and sound sets seem to be either Rhodes or Wurlitzer, so I think it's a safe bet. An "Electric Piano" I think technically has to have reeds and hammers, or even strings like those stubby little grands made by Yamaha.

Jazz violin?

Uh, yes.  More common than sopranino saxophone, right?

Again, it's like C-Melody. I know of no jazz saxophonist in the SF Bay Area that plays/records on it.

Jazz violin is actually much more common than C-Melody sax. There are lots of jazz violinists in NYC, so I'm sure there are at least a few in the Bay Area.

Yes, a couple of quite well-known ones, too: Jeremy Cohen, Jenny Scheinmann, Darryl Anger... more I'm sure.


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