At 08:45 AM 7/3/2005, you wrote:

I like the idea of "secondary subdominant." In "Hey Jude" the repeated progression sounds like IV/IV-IV-I. To some Schenkerians that would not be a progression at all but a prolongation of the tonic. There's a very interesting piece by Orlando di Lasso called "Anna, mihi dilecta" where the chord progressions are either third relations or plagal relations. The "falling fifth" bass progression is almost nonexistent in that piece except for the final cadence.


Hal -

A couple of examples I like are in the Bach Chorales: #4 "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" first measure beat 4; and #10 "Aus tiefer not" mm 6 beat 3 and 7 beat 1 where there is a cycle of IV/IV, iv, ii6/5, V, I - which also illustrates the SD "function" pretty well IMO. Finally in no 10 there is a particularly gorgeous iv/iv-iv-V6/5-I-V in the last two bars starting on beat 3 of the penultimate bar. Going back two more beats gets pretty interesting too! It's a whole cycle of "subdominants".


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