John Bell wrote:

I know that many users are unconcerned about playback, but others are. If Finale were to fall far behind Sibelius in its playback capabilities then it would certainly be in danger of losing much of its share of the market.

*Which* market? Both products are targeted at MANY markets, from engravers to schools to universities to amateur musicians to ...

This seems to me the problem with the way Finale is being marketed. If I didn't know the software - and I only chose to not go down the Sibelius route because of specific highly-reliable recommendations - I would not know that it could do what I need it to do. MM's marketing makes it look like a big bunch of toys for making lots of sounds, but with little real musical function. Sibelius' is very clear that it's about making top-notch scores.

And they've got a specific link on the home page targeting Finale users. Hmm.
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