I'd just like to address a few of the general points

1. It was suggested that MakeMusic should stop putting
time into playback features because their market
doesn't need them. I don't have marketing figures to
look at, but I'd be extremely surprised if composers
and arrangers didn't make up more than half of the
market for Finale - more than all of the other markets
combined. Good playback was far and away the single
most attractive feature to the composers I spoke to
and corresponded with.

2. It was mentioned that Finale's playback has now
caught up to and in some ways perhaps exceeded that of
Sibelius. There's no competition. Finale's playback is
far beyond Sibelius', both in terms of automatic
playback and in customizability. For what you get
included with the program, Sibelius doesn't come
close. Sibelius gives you 20 instruments and the
ability to load 8 of them. Finale gives you 100 higher
quality instruments, and the ability to load 64. Human
Playback is far beyond Espressivo, and is optimized to
work with GPO. As alluring as linked parts is to the
engraving crowd, I guarantee you that the inclusion of
Finale GPO will attract more users than anything
Sibelius has included in their new version.

3. Sibelius is not focusing on one market. Their three
big features are clearly each aimed at a different
part of their market. There is the worksheet creator
for educators, linked parts for engravers, and video
for composers. Both Sibelius and MakeMusic realize
that focusing on a single market is not in their best

4. A mixer was a highly requested feature long before
Finale included its own sounds, and with good reason.
Many people make their files for their own personal
use, and the fact that they might play differently on
a different person's equipment matters little - they
still want to balance them so that they can hear their
work. If this wasn't a valued feature, than thousands
of people wouldn't have used the MIDI Tool and
Expression Tools for this task all these years. And of
course, for people that did want to share their
recordings, they've always been able to do this via
free recording software. 


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