Jim wrote:

David, I have not experienced linked parts yet. The descriptions i see here, however, leave me wondering what I'm missing. Can you enlighten me as to their benefit? I'm not sure I see the benefit of having an ex-post change made to a PART be reflected in the SCORE. Some changes in parts I would NOT want reflected in a score. Is this feature intelligent enough to sort that out?

According to the Sibelius web-site I gave the URL link for (or on a different page linked from that original page) it does state that you can make parts-only changes which won't be reflected in the score, and apparently (from others who have run the demo) those items get a specific color so you can see what they are.

Concerning your ex-post change made to a part being reflected in the score, I often spot wrong notes in an individual part that my eye glosses over in a full score. Or in looking at a part I may decide that I want a specific articulation in that part that I hadn't thought of while working on the score. Currently, with Finale, I have to make the change in the extracted part, and then remember to make the change to the score also.

Another feature of the Sibelius dynamic linking of score/parts is that the parts are NOT separate files -- they are a different view of the score itself, where you can save part-specific layout details. Thus a score and parts are ONE file ONLY! And the parts don't represent a huge increase in file size since they are only a different view of the score (with all the other staves hidden) with part-specific data saved as well. Thus a score with the dynamic parts would be only slightly larger than the original file without dynamic parts, while currently a Finale score and the extracted parts add up to a rather large file-size total compared to the score itself.

And then there's the sharing-the-file-with-others ease of sending a single Sibelius4 file to other Sibelius4 users, compared to the Finale situation of having to zip all the score and parts into a single zip file. Send a Sib4 file to another Sib4 user and he/she can see all your part layouts, exactly what you have come up with for score layout and part layout, easily and quickly, make any edits and send the single file back to you. Far easier than the current Finale situation.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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