On 9 Jul 2005 at 0:08, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> David W. Fenton schrieb:
> >>The cadenza example was about having more measures in the part than
> >>there are in the score.
> > 
> > Hmm. Easily handled by optimizing out the cadenza systems in the
> > printed score, no?
> > 
> > Why make it harder than that?
> > 
> Actually I don't think this is sufficient. What if the layout doesn't
> allow that? . . .

Why wouldn't the layout of the score allow it? If it's a solo 
instrument cadenza, and you don't want it displayed in the score, 
those measures can be put on their own systems and those systems 
optimized out.

What layout would prevent that? Surely not multiple simultaneous 
cadenzas, since you could still optimize out the systems you don't 
want displayed. And if there's other music being played during the 
cadenza, you don't have a different number of measures in the cadenza 

> . . . This would be the half-hearted design that I fear most
> with such improvements. All of these cases need to be covered without
> clumsy work-arounds.

Well, how would you handle this today? Would you *really* extract the 
part and then insert the cadenza only into the part? I certainly 
wouldn't! It's too easy to lose data that exists only in a part.

The way I look at it, certain things are going to be too complex for 
dynamic parts, and in those cases, you should be able to revert to 
traditional extracted parts. It seems to me that trying to do 
everything in dynamic parts is going to be impossible, because 
accomodating every single one of these requirements makes it so 
complicated as to be insurmountable.

If, on the other hand, you have an alternative method for getting 
these additional features that is identical to how it would have been 
accomplished in earlier versions of Finale, it seems to me as though 
you've got a big win -- dynamic parts for the vast majority of parts, 
and the ability to extract to an independent file for the complicated 
ones that dynamic parts can't really accommodate.

My guess is that it's one of those 90/10% things. If getting 90% of 
the functionality takes 10 manhours, getting the last 10% implemented 
often takes 90 more manhours. 

As long as functionality is not removed from Finale, you'd still be 
able to get the job done, even if the new feature doesn't implement 
it. And if the design goal is getting something usable as a 
productivity enhancement for most situations, rather than getting a 
100% complete implementation that covers all eventualities, who is 
going to complain?

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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