On 13 Jul 2005 at 9:50, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

> Wow, I think that was a little uncalled for. Isn't the policy though
> to label OT and TAN in the subject header?

Yes, for OT or TAN posts. Neither the Sibelius or the archiving 
threads are either OT or TAN. The Sibelius thread was about the 
future of Finale, since everything in it boiled down to comparisons 
to Finale and how it works. The archiving thread is neither OT or 
TAN. Some mailing lists use a META abbreviation to indicate threads 
that are on topics that are larger issues than the usual topic-
specific discussion. I wish it had occurred to me to use the META tag 
when I posted the first message on the archiving issue.

In any event, both threads exhibited good subject discipline, in that 
all the Sibelius threads included "Sibelius" in the subject, and the 
archiving thread was limited to two different subject headings, 
easily identifiable after seeing the first couple of messages. 

> Regardless, your comments are totally out of line in what a list is
> supposed to be. Is there something wrong with people who subscribe to
> a list, but don't post? I'm on a number of lists that I hardly ever
> post to, but I find them valuable. But your attitude towards this guy
> is outrageous.

The problem is not the paucity of someone's posts. It's the nature of 
the posts that *have* been made, which on this subject seem pretty 
much limited to complaints about other people's posts.

> I think when some of you guys go off on tangents, you need to label
> them with OT or TAN. Most all the other lists I subscribe to do this.

A post requesting that would have been a much useful addition to the 
list than mere complaints about the topics.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc
All non-quoted content (c) David W. Fenton, all rights reserved

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