On Jul 15, 2005, at 2:07 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

You have to suspend disbelief in order to accept any of these sounds.  They only remotely resemble the sound of the instruments they represent.  I'd like saxophones too, but when they come, they won't sound real anyway.  For me, it's not that much of a stretch to substitute a different inadequate imitation for what I hope will be a somewhat better inadequate imitation.  

I'm not trying to start a war here.  I hope for improved samples and improved (and simple) control, as I assume many others do.  But I don't think it's going to ruin the "sketch" of my musical architecture for some of the colors to be off.  It's only a sketch.

It seems to me that trying to use playback from Finale <or> Sibelius as a mockup of a large work is just asking for problems.  First of all, to get a large orchestra played by GPO is gonna take a huge amount of RAM, and you're gonna need a mighty powerful computer to do it besides.  If you try to record a section at a time using Human Playback, the result will be out of sync, because of fluctuations in tempo, unless there's a way to use exactly the same tempo map for each pass.  If there's a way to do that in Finale I don't know about it.  If you <don't> use Human Playback you'll get a mechanical performance.  And how are you gonna put the pieces together anyway?  Do you have a program that'll do that for you?  Here's where the discussion gets to the big argument about what these programs should really be used for.  All of these playback features being added to Finale are kinda nice to have, but I don't <ever> expect to be able to use Finale <alone> for creating a satisfactory mockup.  I <do> find Human Playback useful, but I use it to create a MIDI file, which I then open in my favorite MIDI sequencing/audio recording software, which happens to be MOTU's Digital Performer.  In DP I can record one instrument at a time if I need to, and the exact same tempo map is used for each pass.  I can use a combination of sounds from my sound modules (I have 8, including two of the old Proteus/2 Orchestral modules), MOTU's Mach-5 sample player-editor, GPO, V-Samp, loops taken out of Garage Band, and on and on.  After I record everything, I can mix it all down into one stereo file, and then export it in any audio format, including WAV, AIFF, SDII, or even MP3.  I'm sorry, but I don't think Finale will <ever> give me the ability to do all of that, nor would I expect it to.  After all, I've got DP for that.  And if I could get MOTU to give me full-featured notation in DP, then I wouldn't need Finale <or> Sibelius at all.  But MOTU reps have assured me that full-featured notation will never happen in DP either, so there you go.



Lon Price, Los Angeles



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