In 4/4 time, enter two 16ths followed by a 16h-note triplet. You will see two beams linking all five notes. The proper notation would be for the inner beam to be broken between the duplet and the triplet, but Sibelius 3 cannot do this. I was told as much, in so many words, by Sibelius tech support.

To wh. Ken Durling:

Wow. That's an easy one. I can't believe tech support said it wasn't possible. Enter the notes as you've described above, go to the 3rd keypad - F10, and hit / - or mouse the top middle key on the keypad. It's the same in Sib 3 and 4, and I think that' s been there from the beginning.

Whoops! My bad. I had misremembered the problem, which is actually more sophisticated. Here 'tis:

6/8 time. Enter the following: one 16th, a 32d-note triplet, 2 16ths, and an 8th. The first sixteenth should be fully beamed (two beams) into the triplet, but it isn't--the 16th-note beam is broken there, and Sibelius can't override the break.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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