On Jul 27, 2005, at 5:53 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

Where do you keep those files? I have never experiences a problem like this. You should keep your OS 9 files somewhere inside the documents folder

Ah, but you see, I don't--I keep them in the Finale folder, which I keep at root level, since it's the most important folder I have, in terms of things I actually work with. And I'm not about to change that, any more than I'm about to store my audio CDs on the second floor of my house when the CD player's on the first floor.

I've been thru this w. the list before, so I knew this was the problem w. my System 9 files. But it still doesn't explain why Flash Player 7 won't install. I will try repairing permissions, but I have a strong suspicion that it won't solve the problem. I find it significant that no-one on this thread has given me a specific answer--that is, what exact thing is keeping Flash Player out, and how it should be changed. I suspect no-one knows, because OSX has thousands and thousands of system files and might as well be a black box in terms of diagnosing and repairing any problem.

Manually changing permissions is something that should only be done if you know _exactly_ what you are doing.

I don't see what the problem is. I hit cmd-i, unlock the little padlock (if necessary), change the owner from System to kallisti (this incorrect ownership is the main problem), then if necessary change the Access to Read and Write. Sometimes I get asked for my password (wh. annoys the hell out of me), and sometimes I don't . Since these are all document files, what's so dangerous?

 Repairing permissions is one of the things you simply cannot avoid.

I've been using OSX for, what, 2 years now and never once felt any need to run Disc Utility for *any* reason. Something actually goes wrong, I'll use it.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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