What tee shirt?


On Jul 31, 2005, at 1:44 PM, Andrew Levin wrote:


Thanks again so much for your help to me and many others. You should be on MakeMusic's payroll!

A general comment before beginning: with this whole GPO thing, I'm afraid that the Difficult To Learn Reputation monster will return. There are so many caveats to making this work, and so little of it is documented. How is the average Joe supposed to figure this all out? Now, onward!

Apparently I'm getting different results than you. I did an experiment with Finale GPO, the full GPO, and the built-in soundfont, and how they play back things like this are not as I expected.

For starters, I created a three-measure piece, starting arco, then to pizz in the second measure, then back to arco in the third. I made three versions of this piece: Finale GPO, full GPO, and SoundSynth. For each file I defined arco and pizz two different ways: first, playback type = none, then playback type = dump. Here are my results (as a reminder to all I'm on a Mac). In all cases HP was set to Standard and I chose GPO instruments with the 'KS' designation.

  Playback = none: pizz works, arco doesn't (* see below)

They both work for me. What is the staff name for the staff in question? HP needs the staff name to be set correctly (e.g., violin, viola, cello, contrabass) so it can set the keyswitches properly. If there's no staff name, HP doesn't know what instrument it's dealing with.

I wasn't paying attention to this. I chose "Violin" in the New Document Wizard, but I can't remember if SoundSynth or Finale GPO was selected at the time. It still says "Violin" in the score.

Speaking of which, can I safely change the Display Name in the gpoinstrument.txt file? I really don't want a score with "Flute Player 3" on it! Just how much does HP need to playback properly?

  Playback = dump: they don't work

Of course -- "dump" never worked with Finale's SoftSynth. And "Dump" is to be avoided in Fin2006 -- you should let HP handle expressions that are *not* defined for playback.

Thanks. I'll avoid dump. (And I'll try to avoid any scatological jokes that may be warranted!).

GPO Finale
  Playback = none: pizz/arco works
  Playback = dump: pizz/arco works

Full GPO
  Playback = none: pizz/arco don't work

You need to either uncheck "use unified keyswitches" or use the "Notation" set.

So, to understand: GPO Finale uses "unified keyswitches", whereas the full GPO does not. The documentation formerly know as OLD spells it out, but I still seems so awkward.

However, I wasn't able to find the switch for the "Notation" set. Where's that, and what does it do?

The results of this test? For SoundSynth and GPO Finale, it seems to make sense to simply create expressions (without Dump definitions) and HP understands them. However, the full GPO doesn't yet pick up on this;

Yes it does -- you just have to either use the "Notation" set or UNcheck "use unified keyswitches" in HP preferences.

Thanks for the clarification.

> * For instance, let's say I have a 17 staff score. Using Finale sans > GPO means I'll have to double up on channels, as I only have 16 at my
 > disposal.

That's not true. You have 128 channels at your disposal (or 64 if you
are using Fin GPO).

I guess I'm thinking of the old days of MIDI interfaces where a single serial port could only handle 16 channels. So my Midiman 1x1 can handle 128 channels?

Your MIDIman 1x1 has nothing to do with either GPO playback or Finale SoftSynth playback. You could unplug it completely, it wouldn't make any difference. You are only using it for input, not output.

But I use it for input, and out of habit I've always used it for playback. It's less processor intensive to use it and avoid all of the other GPO stuff, at least for basic note entry (GPO has a delay when used with note entry) and playback. But perhaps it would be easier all around to just stick with soundfonts or GPO, of whichever flavor.

DIGRESSION: There's another frustrating thing about GPO: every time I'd switch to a document set for the full GPO or Finale GPO it would reload the samples into RAM. This takes time. Another workflow bottleneck.

Yes -- tell [EMAIL PROTECTED] you would like an option to only load GPO instruments when needed (instead of immediately upon switching windows).

I will.

Say, did anyone get a t-shirt? I didn't either, though I'm kinda glad I didn't. Imagine this, Mac users putting on this new green t-shirt, then realize they've lost a few fingers! (What? You didn't have them backed up?) Oops, something wrong with the t-shirt.

Andrew Levin
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As a newly diagnosed diabetic, self denial is now my ally, exercise my master.

Dean M. Estabrook

Retired Church Musician
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