Not only is it scientific. It's in fact very old and legit. Hinduism and
Eastern medicine believe we all resonate at certain frequencies and respond
to frequencies as well. Think of a note shattering a glass. Our molecules
react the same way. Music therapy works in quite this way.
What they basically did is suggest a musical alignment of the brain
patterns. Notice the word pattern can be musical. Or more so you've heard of
circadian rhythms. We a re in fact musical in nature and when we get sick,
have insomnia, etc. our rhythms become out of balance. Music can align it.
This about the flower test where it was played heavy metal and the flower
died and then it was played Mozart and it flourished.

There has also been a study of analyzing DNA mathematically and transforming
it in to music. Supposedly listening to this allows a realignment of the DNA
by your body wanting to mimic these tones and rhythms. Theoretically our
bodies search for a constant.

Now on a purely emotional level. Have you ever been so touched by a piece of
music it made you cry? That's the power of sound and tonality.


on 8/1/05 2:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If anybody would like to weigh in on whether they think this is science or
> crackpottery, I'd be interested. The journal itself is totally legit, btw.

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