On 11/08/05, David W. Fenton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It causes problems in one of two ways:
> 1. it either inconveniences the people who are paying attention to
> remove the extra address when replying, OR
> 2. it inconveniences the person lists in the Reply-To along with the
> list, by causing them to get two copies of those messages.

That's not the whole picture. People who include the Reply-To can also
set the list not to send a duplicate message. This can be problematic
in its own ways (as previously described), but I find this to be less
obnoxious than receiving duplicate messages.

However, I was on the digest for a while (when traffic was
unbelievably heavy), and I actually *liked* receiving replies to
myself as well as to the list. This way, I was able to see the answers
to specific questions immediately, without having to wait for a new
Digest or needing to visit the archive pages.

Brad Beyenhof
my blog: http://augmentedfourth.blogspot.com
Life would be so much easier if only (3/2)^12=(2/1)^7.

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