At 01:46 PM 09/02/2005, dr.a.s. weinstangel wrote:
>There is a sudden change in the staff spacing, size of noteheads and a
>general look of the score from the page 16 and on, and nothing I have
>tried changing has made much of the difference. I am sure it must be
>possible to copy the format of one of the previous pages onto the rest
>of the score for a uniform look, but I can't figure out how to do it.

Take a look at Options | Page Format | Score and make sure all settings are the way you want them. Then choose the Page Layout tool and do Page Layout | Redefine Page | All Pages. This will force all pages to have the margins and sizing and so forth as given in Page Format. Note that Page Format lets you specify different margins for the first staff system of the piece, and also different margins for left/right pages, if you choose.

>Also, I have asked some time ago and have never received a single
>answer: is it possible to globally slash grouped grace notes,
>similarly to what is available at Options>Document Options>Grace
>Notes>Always Slash Flagged Grace Notes?

No. I believe the only way to slash beamed grace notes is to create a slash as a graphic expression and then apply that expression to the various instances of beamed grace notes. Of course, you can assign that expression to a metatool, which makes assignment easier. (But be aware that assigning a shape expression with a metatool creates a new copy of the shape, not just a pointer to your original shape, so that you could theoretically have some file bloat if you add hundreds of these slashes.)


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