dhbailey wrote:

I can't find any specific reference to what you're asking in either Ross or Kurt Stone and Gardner Read's book isn't right at hand for me to check, but my 2-cents' worth on it is that you should repeat the accidental, since it's not always clear that the curved line at the end of the system or the beginning of the next system are ties or slurs.

Repeating the accidental removes any ambiguity from the situation.

From a performing point of view, I wholly agree. Unfortunately, I can also sympathise with the frustration for engravers, that this can look ugly, mess up spacing, make other ties on other staves look out of place, and so on.

I'd regard this as something to decide in context, on a piece-by-piece basis. If it's a whole load of held major and minor chords, then there's little need to repeat accidentals. If it's complex and unpredictable lines, then certainly repeat them. Just my 2c.

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