On 09 Sep 2005, at 10:41 AM, Colin Broom wrote:

However, every time I set the display colour of tuplet brackets to black, it reverts back to blue the next time I re-open Finale. Anyone else come across this?

I can't reproduce this on Mac.

The studio view I'm not yet convinced about, which is something I'd been looking forward to.. After looking at it for a bit, I basically ended up switching back to scroll view. One particular flaw in the way that studio view works is in the panning and volume controls, which will not let you see numerically what value you are at until you let go of the mouse button. This makes fine tuning of these controllers unnecessarily awkward, and seems to make little sense. For example, try putting the pan contoller down to 0, then back up to 75. It took me several tweaks to get it at exactly 75.

You can type numeric values for volume and pan in the instrument list. I agree that the UI for adjusting the pan in the mixer/studio view is unusable. Also, for panning, instead of absolute MIDI controller values, Finale should use percentages (e.g. 33% L, 67% R) like, oh, I don't know, EVERY OTHER APPLICATION THAT LETS YOU SET PANNING.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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