First, let me say that I too get very frustrated with the bugs in each new 
version, and I would encourage MM to be more diligent in vetting such problems 
before that release the product.  However, there should be a bit of slack 

First, the costs in software application development are in the R&D.  Microsoft 
WORD is marketable to almost anyone, but a software for engraving music ?  I 
won't even venture a guess at much smaller it is.  Then they must share that 
very small market with Sibelius, Mosaic etc.  The costs of R&D are recovered 
from the units sold. Anyone care to research how many units of MS Word are 
purchased each year compared to MM Finale ?  

Next, consider this analogy:  In addition to merely providing manuscript that 
is free of "clams" you must also ensure that the principal parts can be 
performed on any instrument by players of various levels of competence.  I 
could drag this analogy out further, but hopefully you get the point.  

MM provides a product that, in other profession, would command upwards of 3,000 
US Dollars.  For what they provide and the price they market it at, I can give 
them the benefit to get some bugs worked out.  

My day job is a Database Admninistrator, but I have an active avocation in 
music and perform and write regularly.  I have had my moments with Finale where 
my frustrations had me seriously considering going back to pen and paper (Is 
Alpheus still around ?  or Pacific ?) maybe vellum even.  So don't get me wrong 
I can get angry with the best y'all regarding the bugs.  

I always keep two versions on my machine.  Anything critical, I use the stable 
previous release (2005b) and when it's not quite as critical I will use 2006 
and then save my work...... often !  Sometimes with different file names if 
it'sw that important.  Is it a pain to do that ?  Sure it is, but it's a price 
I will gladly incur for the advantages the product provides.

I understand your frustrations, and I am not discounting your issues with MM, 
just providing another, rather humble, point of view to the list.  And I don't 
mind hearing complaints that I differ with, but I have little patience for 
thoise that chose to whine.  

Richard Bartkus
Mission Viejo, California

PS - The software that I use to design databases cost $3,700 US dollars for one 
copy.  If I wanted a personal copy, I was told they could discount it for to 
$3,325 <LOL>. In my opinion this product does not have to handle as complex 
logic as required for music engraving products such as Finale or Sibelius etc.  

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