On Nov 19, 2005, at 4:52 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

Well, I don't know for certain what the upper limit on Finale's temp
file naming routine is, but just by opening and closing Finale
several times (with or without opening a file -- didn't change
anything), it seems that the temp file naming convention starts out
as FINxx.TMP, then after using up all the possibilities, changes to
FINxxx.TMP. The numbers are hexidecimal, i.e., 0-9 then A-F, which
means, I believe, that 3 places gives you 16^3 unique filenames.
That's 4,096 unique file names. And Finale creates 15 temp files on
my version of Finale (2K3) each time it starts (that's 273 restarts
before the file names get re-used, assuming that it's limited to 3
digits; if it rolls over and adds a 4th digit, then it's likely a
much higher number; because of the old 8.3 filename limits, my bet is
on FINFFFFF.TMP as the upper limit, which is 1,048,575 unique
filenames, BTW).

Now, I don't know when Finale starts the counter over again.
Strangely enough, when I started this experiment, Finale started at
FIN01.TMP (it was the first time I'd run Finale since logging on
today), so perhaps each Windows logon session restarts the counter.

Just for interest's sake, the Mac versions of these files were named starting at


and going up one digit at a time, today on my computer. I have no idea why it starts at such a number, but they ARE created in chronological order. I have about 20 or so of them at any time. There is also a file in the folder called InUse, which has a size of 0 KB.


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