On Dec 15, 2005, at 10:02 AM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

At 12:36 PM 12/15/2005, Chuck Israels wrote:
>When GPO or Garritan JABB is loaded through the Native Instruments
>option, my documents open without the sounds loaded, allowing files
>to be opened and closed quickly for edits, changes, and printing
>without having to wait two minutes for instruments to load, 

That *is* nice, and it's a desired feature I remember being discussed here a while back. I wish only that they had chosen a more intuitive way to get the instruments to load. I'm guessing you stumbled across this because you opened a doc and didn't get the sounds you wanted, so you went into setup and then saw the sounds loading.


I imagine it wouldn't have taken much work to add a 'Load GPO sounds' menu item, to make things more apparent.

Probably not. The absence of such an option lead me to think it would be a good idea to alert folks to the new behavior.

Anyway, it's only a quibble for me and others who will become familiar with the program, but it would save frustration and support phone calls to put that option in the menu. Maybe it'll be there in 2007.



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