
You and I agree on the core issue -- the GPO component of the Setup Wizard needs a _lot_ of improvement. All I'm saying is that for people who *do* require GPO playback and *do* work on large orchestral scores, GPO+Setup Wizard is (by far, IMO) the lesser of two evils.

Remember, this tangent began because you told Martin to "forget it" when it came to using GPO+Setup Wizard. I understand it's not suitable for your situation, but for anyone who, like me, needs to use GPO to create orchestral demos from Finale scores, GPO+Setup Wizard a huge time-saver vs. loading GPO manually, despite its many shortcomings.

No, actually, they don't! I just tried it, and they default to exactly
the same panning as they would if I set them up with the wizard. Try it.

You're right! This feature must be new to Fin2006b -- previous versions defaulted to a pan of "64" for all manually loaded instruments.

Yes, but still much faster than if you don't load the instruments at all.

Well, that's moving the goalposts! Obviously, it's faster to not bother with GPO in the Setup Wizard if you don't care about GPO! I was talking about the fastest way to set up orchestral GPO playback for someone who actually *wants* to use GPO. Otherwise, what is the point of this conversation? Obviously, if GPO playback is unimportant to you, you can set up your score any way you like! But if GPO playback is important to you, then you're usually much better going through the Setup Wizard, warts and all. And the more instruments you have in your score, the greater the advantages.

The setup wizard is a perfectly good choice for me, it's the GPO part of
it which is ruined by bad design.

Yes, I understand that.

You are splitting hairs. The visible difference is only visible in the
Kontakt player, which you actually won't see in the whole setup process.

I'm actually not splitting hairs. This is quite a big issue for me when manually configuring old scores for GPO playback. As I said, the Setup Wizard makes it impossible to accidentally load non-Notation instruments, which is a huge advantage. Plus, if you use the Setup Wizard to set up your score for GPO, you never have to touch the Kontakt player interface, which is reason enough to use it right there!

And on the whole it is just another bit of bad
design. Finale should only see the notation instruments anyway.

Yes, I agree -- but that's exactly how the Setup Wizard works (only Notation instruments appear).

You work in a totally different field from what I do. I realize that, and I am sure it works ok for you (although I cannot believe that you find the current GPO wizard perfect),

I never said anything remotely like that!


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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