-Randolph Peters said "It's all moot anyway. Finale 2006c was just posted."

Unbelievable.    I just 'checked for updates' and found that 2006C is indeed a brand-new update - and not merely a rename of the 'improved' second version of 2006B which I downloaded and installed only last night.   This would be mildly amusing if -- perhaps -- MM had had the decency to alert us it was coming out with a third update.   I mean: they HAD to have known they were coming out with a new update last night; why not a simple e-mailed courtesy notice which would've saved me a couple hours' time?    Okay, I'm downloading 'C' right now with a mixture of distrust that it might be replaced by 2006D tomorrow, disgust with MM's remarkably bad communications/customer respect and dismay at the (according to the downloader) 2 Hrs 19 mins I have remaining with a mere 11% downloaded.   
Hope my next new car won't need a replacement engine after a couple of months because the manufacturer rushed an unready model onto the market simply to compete with Mercedes.... 
Oh, great....only another 2Hrs 17 mins to go....
Les Marsden
Founding Music Director and Conductor,
The Mariposa Symphony Orchestra
Music and Mariposa?  Ahhhhh, Paradise!!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Finale] Automatic check for updates

>I finally got a reply from MakeMusic tech support, and the case is
>that the original 2006b updater contained an incorrect file, so
>there was a NEW 2006b updater posted, and that is why my computer
>didn't think that even though I have 2006b it isn't the most recent
>If that isn't total confusion, then I don't know what is!  Shouldn't
>the "new" 2006b have been posted as 2006c so that everybody could be
>sure they have the most recent?
>I dunno . . .
>David H. Bailey

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