Contra Don and Andrew, I find Engraver Slurs much better-looking by default and much easier to tweak. It's true that unedited Engraver Slurs can be somewhat buggy (occasionally getting very tall for no reason), but this can be avoided by nudging them all by one pixel and then nudging them back.

[Is this bug still a problem in Fin2006? I forget whether it was addressed or not.]

However, it would be nice if people who use Engraver Slurs could post their settings here. I'll do mine eventually (not now -- too busy) if anyone cares, but I'm more curious to see everyone else's.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 07 Jan 2006, at 4:10 PM, Don Hart wrote:

Finmac 05

I'm orchestrating an older piece of mine written for a chamber ensemble. The original phrasing and dynamics apply enough to the new score so that it's worth importing that material and spreading it around as desired. So
far, so good.

The original file was created in an old enough version (3.0 I think) so that
the slurs I've imported are not note attached and rather ugly.

-- Is there any way to update these old slurs other than one at a time?

A lot of the work I do does not need to be engraver quality or goes to
someone else later to bring it to that level, so I haven't dealt with
engraver slurs to any appreciable extent.  A little info would help:

-- Is there a consensus on this list that engraver slurs should be used? -- Are the default settings adequate or are there some adjustments that
       would put me in good position to set things the way I like?


Don Hart

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