dhbailey wrote:

To me, the price of tickets, plus the perception of snootiness are at least as much what keep the audiences away as anything else.

That would be something I could agree with if it weren't that the same folks who won't attend the symphony because of ticket prices will pay 3 or 4 times that amount per ticket to see pop music stars.

Or to go to a football game (if you add in the cost of parking and the vastly overpriced souvenirs and refreshments).

Mileage varies, neh? I never go to pro ball games, both because I just don't care about those overpaid twits, and because college games are more interesting, less pridecitable, less expensive and more fun. I rarely go to pop concerts either, because of screaming lunatics (both on- and off-stage), high prices, and generally not great music. Same goes for 'big ticket' musicals. I do occasionally when someone else pays, but paying a month's groceris in cost for 2-3 hours of music is just not worth it.

But I'll go to a small venue to hear a good band, and enjoy it more.


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