on 1/31/06 1:02 PM, Andrew Stiller at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Q: What is the dynamic range of a bass trombone?
>> A: On or off.
> I'm told that a century ago in England, it was standard practice for
> orchestra trombonists to play all notes forte and staccato, regardless
> of the notated dynamic or duration. No joke!
> --be interesting to hear Elgar played that way, in the interests of
> historic  authenticity...
> Andrew Stiller
> Kallisti Music Press
> http://home.netcom.com/~kallisti/

Dear list,

Andrew brought this to our attention exactly one year ago today.  As a
recovering bass trombonist at such a  propitious moment, I feel it is my
duty to once again offer up this fair warning to all who will hear.

And again, thank you, Andrew!

Don Hart

------ Forwarded Message
From: Andrew Stiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: finale@shsu.edu
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 13:30:37 -0500
To: finale@shsu.edu, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Finale] Fwd: Trombone problems

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Paul Faatz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: January 30, 2005 3:22:51 PM EST
> Subject: Trombone problems
> Might be old news to some of you, but...
> Washington D.C.-Each year thousands are people are killed, maimed or
> annoyed
> by trombones. The statistics of head, neck and even shoulder injuries
> sustained by reed players, French horn and string sections seated
> within
> reach of the deadly seventh position are truly shocking...not to
> mention
> forced early retirement due to ever- increasing hearing problems
> reported by
> classical musicians of all types who are forced to play the music of
> Wagner,
> Mahler and Brahms, as well as the hundreds of alumni of the Herman,
> Ferguson
> and Kenton bands and OKOM devotees of Kid Ory, Jack Teagarden, Abe
> Lincoln,
> Jim Robinson and Lee Gifford.
> There is current legislation pending in Congress to restrict the sale
> of
> trombones and equip them with child-safety devices. The influential
> trombone
> lobby is, of course, opposed to this. There have even been several
> proposals
> for requiring a so-called "trigger lock" 0n all bass trombones! Every
> year
> there are reports of hundreds of innocent children, attracted by the
> shiny
> brass and smooth, seductive curves of an unattended instrument on a
> stand in
> the corner of a room or in an unlocked case who are traumatized for
> life by
> the attempts of a playmate to get a sound out of it or who may suffer a
> collapsed lung or the effects of hyperventilation by trying the same
> effort
> themselves! The owner's feeble "I didn't know the slide was unlocked"
> is no
> excuse! Trombones should be stored out of reach of children.
> Efforts to enact a mandatory 10-day waiting period to purchase a
> trombone
> -which would simply allow a reasonable period of time for law
> enforcement
> officials to cross-check the purchaser's name against an International
> list
> of registered trombone offenders and Slide-O-Mix addicts, have been
> repeatedly thwarted by the powerful Conn-Selmer- Yamaha (CSY) lobby.
> Law
> enforcement officials are particularly alarmed over the increase in
> crimes
> involving use of the "sawed-off" trombone or "sackbut." Legislation is
> also
> pending in several progressive states, including New York and
> California, to
> make carrying a concealed alto trombone a Class A felony!
> Some Governors feel that there are sufficient laws already on the
> books that
> simply need stricter enforcement - such as the 1932 nation-wide ban of
> screw-on bells, the indiscriminate use of Pond's Cold Cream or KY
> Jelly and
> unsupervised emptying of spit valves on public property; a filthy
> unsanitary
> habit which will help spread the flu this year. One popular response
> to the
> spread of delinquent behavior is the imposition of longer sentences
> mandatory for those using a trombone while committing a crime ("Use a
> trombone - Go to Jail"). Surveillance video tapes have proven
> especially
> effective in identifying violators of this statute because career
> criminals
> have often tried to avoid convictions by having their lawyers insist
> that
> what eye-witnesses reported as a trombone was really only an AK-47 or
> other
> legal assault weapon. Strict enforcement has been especially effective
> when
> used in conjunction with the new "Three sharps, you're out" statutes
> that
> have already been approved by many state legislatures.
> Of course the automatic and semi-automatic valved models, both piston
> and
> the middle-European rotary, are much more dangerous than the
> traditional
> single valve trombone. Interpol has also reported the sudden
> appearance of
> rear-blasting Cavalry models that were thought to have been completely
> eliminated during the Great Confiscation mandated by the 1918 Treaty of
> Versailles signed by representatives of every civilized country of the
> period. You may recall that those instruments were melted down and
> became an
> integral part of the Trans- Atlantic Telephone Cable that helped to
> unite
> America and Europe. It is believed that the new source of these WMD's
> are
> isolated factories in rural areas of China. The awesome destructive
> power of
> the double trigger bass trombone could never have been imagined by the
> founding fathers when they granted us the right to keep and bear arms.
> Remember: When trombones are outlawed, only outlaws will play "I'm
> Gettin
> Sentimental Over You."
Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

------ End of Forwarded Message

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